君に触りたい ここには望むものはない ああ何にも
君を奪いたい全てを 誰も邪魔させない ああ誰にも
たとえ嫌われ口もきかない ああそれでも君が要れば
君の痛み知り僕の喜びは君に そうして傍にいて微笑んで
君の傷口に僕の溢れだす愛を だから此処にいて泣かないで
君を閉じ込めておきたい この胸にずっと あああなたを
いつか解るさ僕の気持ちが ああこんなに君のことを
君の痛み知り僕の喜びは君に そうして傍にいて微笑んで
君の傷口に僕の溢れだす愛を だから此処にいて泣かないで
僕は醜さにいつも哀れみの歌を そうして傍にいて微笑んで
僕の醜さにいつも溢れだす愛を だから此処にいて泣かないで
I want to feel you
There is nothing I desire here, ahh, nothing
I want to take you away completely
No one will hinder us, ahh, no one
Even if you won't hear it from my hated mouth
Ahh, nevertheless, I need you
I know your pain, all my joy is in you
So stay beside me, smiling
Into your wounds my love overflows
So stay here, and please don't cry
Be mine alone
[ There is nothing ... nothing ]
I want to seclude you somewhere
Always in my heart, ahh you are
Someday you will understand my feelings
Ahh, all this about you
I know your pain, all my joy is in you
So stay beside me, smiling
Into your wounds my love overflows
So stay here, and please don't cry
Be mine alone
In ugliness I always sing songs of compassion
So stay beside me, smiling
In my ugliness my love always overflows
So stay here, and please don't cry
Be mine alone
Ahh... nothing, there is nothing
Ahh... nothing to hope for.