قاسم رادفرHere is the full top 50 list of the most valuable sports teams:
1. Dallas Cowboys ($5b)
2. New York Yankees ($4.6b)
3. Real Madrid ($4.24b)
4. Barcelona ($4.02b)
5. New York Knicks ($4b)
6. Manchester United ($3.81b)
7. New England Patriots ($3.8b)
8. Los Angeles Lakers ($3.7b)
9. Golden State Warriors ($3.5b)
10. Los Angeles Dodgers/New York Giants ($3.3b)
12. Boston Red Sox/Los Angeles Rams ($3.2b)
14. Washington Redskins/Chicago Cubs ($3.1b)
16. San Francisco 49ers ($3.05b)
17. Bayern Munich ($3.02b)
18. San Francisco Giants ($3b)
19. Chicago Bulls/Chicago Bears ($2.9b)
21. New York Jets ($2.85b)
22. Houston Texans/Boston Celtics ($2.8b)
24. Philadelphia Eagles ($2.75b)
25. Manchester City ($2.69b)
26. Denver Broncos ($2.65b)
27. Green Bay Packers ($2.63b)
28. Atlanta Falcons ($2.6b)
29. Baltimore Ravens ($2.59b)
30. Pittsburgh Steelers ($2.59b)
31. Seattle Seahawks ($2.58b)
32. Chelsea ($2.58b)
33. Miami Dolphins ($2.58b)
34. Oakland Raiders ($2.42b)
35. Minnesota Vikings ($2.4b)
36. Indianapolis Colts ($2.38b)
37. Brooklyn Nets ($2.35b)
38. Houston Rockets/Carolina Panthers/New York Mets ($2.3b)
41. Los Angeles Chargers ($2.28b)
42. Arsenal ($2.27b)
43. Dallas Mavericks ($2.25b)
44. Los Angeles Clippers ($2.2b)
45. Liverpool ($2.18b)
46. Arizona Cardinals ($2.15b)
47. St Louis Cardinals/Kansas City Chiefs ($2.1b)
49. Jacksonville Jaguars ($2.08b)
50. New Orleans Saints ($2.08b)