مطلب ارسالی کاربران
Edward Maya feat Yohana - FEELING
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چشماتو ببن فکر کن باعشقت کنار دریا دراز کشیدی داری این اهنگو گوش میدی
I'll never forget
That day when I met you
I'm missing you, my love
With all my heartKeep me close to your heart
I'm burning with desire
Keep me close to your soul
My love is on fireThat time was for you
That time was for you
You Will Always Remember
All the Love and Grace
All the Love and JoyYou're not around
Not around
But I have found myself in you
With all my heart and my soul
I just miss youKeep me close to your heart
I'm burning with desire
Keep me close to your soul
My love is on fireRappelle-toi
Ce jour, d'amour
Vole dans mes bras
Ce jour, d'amour
VoleKeep me close to your heart
I'm burning with desire
Keep me close to your soul
My love is on fire ml