Amir Ehteramiاین واسه اون دسته از عزیزانی که معتقدن (حکومت) اسپانیا مالیت رو برای رئال تسهیل کرده،یا همون بو قول خودشون قانون امباپه.
Why is the Spanish government passing the "Mbappe Law" to benefit Real Madrid?
It is not the Spanish Government. It is the Autonomous Community of Madrid. In Spain, income taxes (called Impuesto sobre la Renta de las Personas Físicas or IRPF) is divided into two components: national (24.5%) and autonomous community (20% in Madrid, 25.5% in Catalunya) . The autonomous community of Madrid, is deciding to remove said 20% to people who earn 300k euros or more.
Why is the Spanish government not benefitting Barça?
Again, it is not the national government. It is the government of the autonomous community of Madrid. If the government of the autonomous community of Catalunya wanted to do the same, they could.
How is it fair that the government helps football clubs just like that?
It is not benefitting football clubs per se. It is benefitting mega wealthy individuals in every occupation. From athletes, to scientists, investors and bankers. It is estimated to benefit 30,000 people.
Why is it called the "Mbappe Law" then? Isn't it obvious that it is just for the benefit of Mbappe and Real Madrid?
Because "Anteproyecto de ley por la que se modifica el Texto Refundido de las Disposiciones Legales de la Comunidad de Madrid en materia de tributos cedidos por el Estado, aprobado por Decreto Legislativo 1/2010, de 21 de octubre, del Consejo de Gobierno, para establecer una deducción por inversiones de nuevos contribuyentes procedentes del extranjero, en el ámbito del impuesto sobre la renta de las personas físicas" doesn't sell newspapers.
"Mbappe Law" does. And it gets people angry and talking about it. More engagement is better for media companies.
Also, the project was proposed back in early 2023, much before Mbappe was a Real Madrid player (which he still isn't). It didn't pass because the party that controlled the assembly, far-right, ultra conservative, ultra nationalist party Vox didn't like it. This year, the Partido Popular has a majority, and hence it will be subject to vote again.
Yeah but isn't it always the same with the government and Real Madrid? We all remember the 2005 Beckham law that benefited Madrid back then ...
Yes. Back in 2005 a similar law was passed. It was dubbed the "Beckham law" for the same reasons as now. It was not created with the purpose of helping Real Madrid or Beckham. He was, however, the most famous beneficiary, and hence the name.
Alright alright. It's not about Real Madrid. But what about the rest of the Spanish people? Why screw them over?
Short answer: capitalism. When have the rich not worked to benefit themselves?
Long answer: it's more complicated than that. Yes, most people like progressive taxation, so that rich people also pay their fair share. However, this tax incentive also means that people that were making millions in Madrid, but funnelling their money through sketchy companies in San Marino, Malta, Gibraltar or other tax havens now may consider moving their tax residency to Spain. Will it be a net positive or net negative for the Spanish people? My guess as an economist, is that it will indeed benefit rich people greatly, and probably your average Spanish Joe, or Juan or Joan in this case, will not benefit at all. But hey, that's how life was before Mbappe, and how life will be after Mbappe. Thanks, capitalism.